Curious toddlers have a tendency to get into everything. And while it might be cute when they play with their toys, it can be dangerous if they are left unsupervised around the house.
Bathrooms look ordinary to adults, but to babies anything and everything in sight can be touched or chewed. At Manzo Plumbing & Heating , we believe customer safety is the number one priority. Here are 8 tips for babyproofing your bathroom to keep your little one safe.
To prevent your baby or toddler from sneaking into the bathroom when you’re not around, add a child-proof cover to the doorknob. Here is a pack of four for less than $10 on Amazon.
Toilets can be a drowning hazard for younger children and a drinking hazard for older children. Keep your kids out of the toilet bowl by locking the lid. You can find inexpensive locks on Amazon , or at your local Bed Bath & Beyond.
Wet feet on a tile floor can lead to scary slips. Get some comfy foam or sturdy rubber skid-proof bath mats for the floor.
Medicine bottles should be stashed in a locked cabinet completely out of reach. You can purchase a medicine cabinet safety lock just in case your child finds a way up onto the counter, or you can store medicine in its own designated lock box.
Stow away anything sharp the same way you hide the medicine bottles. This can include razors, tweezers, nail files, scissors, and more. Consider stashing all of them in one drawer and using a child-proof drawer lock.
Lots of items that would normally find their way into the bathroom trash would be major chocking hazards for babies. Q-tips, floss, expired medicine, used razors, or old beauty products are all unsafe in your bathroom trash. Keep your trashcan tucked away inside a cabinet, or simply bring bathroom trash out of the room with you and throw it away somewhere safer.
The temptation to stick fingers or objects into outlet sockets is strong in toddlers. The proximity of bathroom outlets to water sources raises additional hazards as well. Clip protective covers into place on all of the outlet receptacles in your home, including the bathroom.
Above all, the best way to keep your baby or toddler safe from bathroom hazards is to supervise them carefully. While the babyproofing tools in this list are an excellent line of defense against curiosity, we always recommend that customers keep careful watch over babies and toddlers in the bathroom.
Curious toddlers have a tendency to get into everything. And while it might be cute when they play with their toys, it can be dangerous if they are left unsupervised around the house.
Bathrooms look ordinary to adults, but to babies anything and everything in sight can be touched or chewed. At Manzo Plumbing & Heating , we believe customer safety is the number one priority. Here are 8 tips for babyproofing your bathroom to keep your little one safe.
To prevent your baby or toddler from sneaking into the bathroom when you’re not around, add a child-proof cover to the doorknob. Here is a pack of four for less than $10 on Amazon.
Toilets can be a drowning hazard for younger children and a drinking hazard for older children. Keep your kids out of the toilet bowl by locking the lid. You can find inexpensive locks on Amazon , or at your local Bed Bath & Beyond.
Wet feet on a tile floor can lead to scary slips. Get some comfy foam or sturdy rubber skid-proof bath mats for the floor.
Medicine bottles should be stashed in a locked cabinet completely out of reach. You can purchase a medicine cabinet safety lock just in case your child finds a way up onto the counter, or you can store medicine in its own designated lock box.
Stow away anything sharp the same way you hide the medicine bottles. This can include razors, tweezers, nail files, scissors, and more. Consider stashing all of them in one drawer and using a child-proof drawer lock.
Lots of items that would normally find their way into the bathroom trash would be major chocking hazards for babies. Q-tips, floss, expired medicine, used razors, or old beauty products are all unsafe in your bathroom trash. Keep your trashcan tucked away inside a cabinet, or simply bring bathroom trash out of the room with you and throw it away somewhere safer.
The temptation to stick fingers or objects into outlet sockets is strong in toddlers. The proximity of bathroom outlets to water sources raises additional hazards as well. Clip protective covers into place on all of the outlet receptacles in your home, including the bathroom.
Above all, the best way to keep your baby or toddler safe from bathroom hazards is to supervise them carefully. While the babyproofing tools in this list are an excellent line of defense against curiosity, we always recommend that customers keep careful watch over babies and toddlers in the bathroom.
We hope these tips for babyproofing your bathroom help you keep your kids safe.
If you need any extra advice on bathroom safety features, or if you need any plumbing repairs in your home, give us a call at Manzo Plumbing!